Saturday, August 23, 2008

Oh What A Beautiful Morning!

Today is the day! Emily comes back! She said she'd be here anywhere between noon and 3pm. Needless to say, I will make sure that my bladder is quite empty around that time span. There is no telling how excitedly my body will react to seeing her. Its been far too long. And while wetting my pants is always funny, I wasn't planning on doing laundry for at least another week.

I went 'back to school' shopping the other day. It was my last time to do it officially as I will be graduating this semester. You know what that holding back. I really should've exercised more restraint, but when its your last time to do something, you've gotta go out with a bang, right? In all fairness, I only spent a little over $100 bucks. I know girls who spend that once a month to go shopping and I don't really shop THAT much...:) In all fairness though, I'm sure I'll probably use the 'back to school' shopping excuse even when I'm not in school anymore. Someone should probably stop me. Or better yet, join me in my adventure of braving the crazed shoppers, searching for the best sales, and avoiding those annoying Verizon guys who always ask me,'if they can ask me a question.' I tell you what...if their question was something along the lines of, 'would you like us to give you $100 bucks, no strings attached?' then I'd be all for talking to them. However, I'm guessing that's not what they were planning on asking me. :)

While I was shopping, I passed this booth in the center of the mall that was dedicated to Twilight. I melted, but I resisted. Besides, there were two dudes there looking at stuff which made me laugh. I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and just say that they were trying to flirt it up with the girl who was working there, but you never know. I've learned that many a gentleman have grown to appreciate the Twlight series. I respect them for running the risk of being discovered and their man cards ripped away. Although, Mike told me at work yesterday that he no longer has a man card so he really doesn't care much anymore. I have recently learned that another of his favorite books (and movies) is Pride and Prejudice. I brought it to work yesterday to do a little reading when I had some down time, and I didn't get any comments from the female persuasion, but a lot of the guys that I work with looked at it and said things like, "ohhhh great book!" Funny times.

Well, my friends...its Saturday morning and I've got some cleaning, crafts, and exercising to do before Emily gets here, so I'm gonna jet! Love y'all bad! XOXO

1 comment:

Meredith said...

I wish you would wet your pants when you get to see me! That would make me so happy!!! :) J/k. Sorry I didn't call you back, I was single tonight so getting the girls to bed took over and then I had a TON of RS stuff to catch up on and well, now it's late and I really should be in bed but this is the first time I've had a minute to be on the computer - and Ben's not it. And let's face it, when he's on it I may as well just wait for the next year before he gets off so I have to take advantage of the opportunity! Love ya miss ya.