Friday, September 5, 2008

The Long Awaited Pictures

Okay, so I FINALLY buckled down and took pics of my hair and the apartment. Sorry it took so long, but lets face it, the suspense will make it that much more exciting right? hahah or not. But whatever :) And I'm warning you...I'm no genius at posting pictures, so this layout may just suck. haha. Anyway, so we'll go with apartment first...

This is our 'living room' and kitchen. Sadly, this is really as big as it is. haha Its been interesting getting used to the smaller everything that came with switching apartments, but I really love it here, so it's been worth it.

I have to show off the movie collection...there's no way to not be proud of that. And whoever can identify what I was watching at the time I was taking this picture will receive 5 gold stars. That's huge, you know. :)

This is where I repeatedly risk my life each day trying to get off and on the top bunk. Either way, it spices life up quite a bit! :)

Yeah that's right...I inherited my packing/condensing skills from my dad. I'm glad too, otherwise, we never would've gotten all of mine and Emily's stuff in our room. Sadly, most of this stuff is mine...Emily has her own closet. haha

This is my work corner: cluttered with pictures of Christ and family. Just the way I like it! :)

Let me explain before you judge me....the only reason the curtain is pink is because it was on sale. It wasn't my first choice. :)

So this is my hair. I usually don't leave it all down cuz I'm still trying to get used to it. I thought I would brave it today though, so I thought I'd take a snap shot of it for ya.

Anyway, there you have it. I hope you're all satisfied with my decorating tastes and the monstrosity that is my hair. :) On another quick note, I have recently had the option of going to get my masters come up in my array of decisions to be made for my future. I would get it in dance/movement therapy. There's actually a college in Boulder, CO that has a program that is most appealing to me because that's where Jen's parent's live and Zarah and Ashton might move there...I'm a baby. Go ahead and say it. Going somewhere where I don't know anyone scares the poop out of me. haha. So yeah, but I'm definitely not making any decisions based on that, it just sounds nice for the time being. I have a few options though. There are about 10 colleges that offer it on the East Coast and like 1 or 2 in Cali so who knows where I'll end up. The possibilities are endless. So there you have it, my day so far! P.S. Thanks to all of you for your support these last few days. Today has been a much brighter day than I've had in a long time! Heartcha! XOXO


{B}dreamy said...

Everything looks cute (you have great decorating skills)! And I think your hair is cute too, especially the bangs ;) Go bangs! Is that Hairspray??? I've yet to see it, so no penalty points if I'm wrong, please.

Have a fun weekend! And good luck with all your major life decisions. I think your plans sound awesome. You go girl! *B

JA and co. said...

Cute hair...I love the bangs!!! And awesome apartment! The curtains are way cute (and of course your DVD collection rocks my socks off). Colorado is GORGEOUS, definitely a great place to consider. Thanks for posting the pics!

Jen said...

Hey! I read your other post about your haircut and it was CRACKING me up! haha, i had no idea. I thought you had a really cute haircut, so don't worry, it all turned out well! It was so weird to see the pictures of the apartment and think that I don't live with you anymore! I miss your decorations. :) Heartcha BAD.

Unknown said...

I am in LOVE with your hair. And if you think you panicked with that, I chopped mine to my ears and cried for weeks and weeks. I still hate it but just remember, it always grows!


Adrienne said...

With the way you were talking I thought it was a lot shorter than that. I think it looks really cute! Good luck with the Masters search. I think that is so cool.

Meredith said...

I totally dig your hair, you worry too much! It's way cute on you, bangs and all! And I vote that you were watching Hairspray although I've never seen that personally, maybe that will be on my watch list sometime. Or I'll just wait for you to bring it home with you! Your apt is cute as usual, you do such a great job, your roommates must love you and all your crap, it actually makes your apt seem like home, not just some empty space! Have a great week!

Jen Bowen said...

Just to let you know...I really like the hair too! You should wear it down more often to show it off (though your other styles are cute too). Thanks again for letting me borrow Twilight and for going to the mall with me!