Tuesday, September 2, 2008

BYU and all of its 'Splendor'

For all of you who have requested pictures of my hair and apartment, don't worry...they are coming. I honestly just forget to take pictures whenever I'm by my camera. And when I do remember, its on days like yesterday when I didn't really do my hair or I'm at work, as I am now. But I promise, one day, I'll remember and I'll take pictures :)

So here's the rundown of my last two days: Yesterday was Labor Day so I had work off as well as school which was really nice. Emily and I decided that we were going to get the most out of our last day of freedom, so we woke up early *coughs* at 9am...hahaha. That's actually sleeping in a lot for me, but it was good. Anyway, we went to the gym and worked out for a little bit and while we were walking home it started to downpour. Naturally, we decided to play in the rain until we froze. Utah brings cold rain...not warm, dirty rain like I'm used to, so I couldn't stay out too long without getting complete chills all over my body. It was definitely fun though. We were soaked. After we both showered and climbed into the most comfy set of sweats we owned, we went downstairs and decided to have a Harry Potter movie marathon. We fully intended to watch all 5 but after the first one, we realized there would be no way of watching all 5 movies without going completely crazy. So we decided on 1, 3 and 5. That way, we still got the good parts of the story. Adam came over for 3 and 5 which was way fun. He had his drawing book, I had my cross stitch stuff and Emily...slept. hahahaha. Good times, and definitely way fun. I haven't had such a lazy day in a long time. We got a pizza for lunch and were invited to a BBQ for dinner, so it was a great day, in all.

Today was my last, first day of school! YAHOO. I never thought this day would come *sheds a tear* As proof that BYU hasn't changed since last Winter, I will tell you the following story... It's my first class, 8am, and our teacher introduces himself as usual and then what is the first thing he asks us to do? We have to go around the room, stand up and say our name, where we're from, what our major is, if we've served a mission and *drum roll please* if we're single. Yeah, not kidding. haha. It was really great that over half of the class was married already and another 1/4 of it proclaimed that they were already seeing someone so they were off the market. I kinda felt like that loaf of bread on the back of the shelf whose expiration date is only a couple of days away...hahaha jk. But I thought it was a funny image. Anyway, I high tailed it off to Irish class afterwards and it was so much fun to see my two friends who were in my beginners class with me last year. We had a blast laughing about how horrible the final was because we pretty much failed from laughing so hard during it, but it was totally worth it. This will be a fun year. Today was my long school day...two classes. haha I have one tomorrow but I work for 5 hours instead of 2 like TTh. I hope my friends plan on keeping me busy this semester...I'm gonna go nuts with all of this free time. :) Anyway, I hope everyone had a GREAT Labor Day and I'll post pictures soon, I promise! XOXO


Adrienne said...

haha I remember the introduction thing from BYU-I. I hated that. Well it sounds like you got a fun semester ahead of yourself. Enjoy it! Love ya!

Zarah said...

Isn't almost being done a great feeling?! The end is in sight and near! Sounds like you have a great last semester planned though. We should get together sometime.

JA and co. said...

I have to admit that I'm coveting the fact that you got to wear comfy sweats...I would LOVE to wear sweats, but it's too hot! Darn this heat! Are you going to stay in Utah after you graduate? You've probably told me about 1,000 times, but not being in school has caused my brain to decay slightly (just kidding...sort of).