Friday, January 2, 2009

2009 Will Be Sublime!

Hey hey!  So, sorry about being sucha bum on that last post.  I'm glad I've pushed past the sulky phase, as I'm sure everyone else in my family is too. haha.  I've decided that instead of making New Years resolutions like I usually do (and then never follow through with them), I will just make a list of stuff that I am either excited for or hope to accomplish.  I've already started out the New Year unemployed and sicky so I'm hoping to get the worst out of the way from the very beginning! hahaha.  

Looking forward to:
1.  IRELAND...its so close! :)
2.  Living with Jen and Emily during Summer time and beyond.
3.  Really letting it sink in that I'm more studying and lots of time for reading!
4.  Finding new hobbies and learning to do stuff that I've wanted to crocheting and uhhhh glass blowing? hahaha
5.  All the new experiences and lessons that will come my way!

What I'm hoping for:
1.  Finding a good job...hopefully one with benefits. :)
2.  Making tons of fun new friends and still lovin the old ones
3.  Uhhh...since I ate the traditional black eyed pea soup yesterday, I guess I should say that I hope for luck?  Oh, and the Corn beef and Cabbage we had is supposed to bring prosperity, so I hope for that too. And while I'm at it...I'm gonna be kissing the Blarney stone in about a month and a half, so I'll hope for charisma as well.  :)  It just seems fitting, don't you think? ...Maybe they'll actually work...  Can you imagine me being lucky, prosperous AND charismatic at the same time?  WOOO  That might be a fearsome thing to behold! hahaha  I'll take it! :)
4.  To find an awesome apartment (for me, Em and Jen) that we all love.
5.  That I'll actually USE my pass to the gym more than twice a month. haha.  Thats kind of a resolution, but not really...I did so good for a while and then, out of no where, I stopped. haha. I blame the cold weather and laziness. :)

So, there you have top 5's.  I hope everyone has a GREAT year this year!  I know 2008 was awesome and I cant wait to see what 2009 brings! Heartcha! XOXO

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Awww, I miss you already. I'm glad you are feeling better, bummed Bandaid is never fun, you are our happy girl! Sounds like you have a good list...I don't really other than to actually exercise since I am borrowing Grandma's nice eliptical machine and not get sick all the time but I guess I don't have much control over that do I! :) Hey, nice done...I mean well job....