Sunday, March 2, 2008

Ode to my family

Hey Y'all! So, I've been thinking about a lot of things this past week, and I realized how blessed I am to have such an awesome family. So, more for my memory's sake rather than interest or entertainment for everyone else, I thought I would compile a list of fun memories that I have of my family. Obviously, I can't put everything down, but I've decided to keep this list in my journal and frequently add to it, so here it goes:

1. Making picket signs out of rulers and construction paper and picketing around mom and dad's room for a trampoline.
2. Being bounced off that trampoline to many times to count...hence, the nickname Bandaid! :)
3. Dad falling off the said trampoline into the wood pile.
4. Playing on Grandma and Grandpa's treadmill in their basement.
5. Running down the hallway of their basement and sliding through the tile room in our socks until we hit the wall...or the floor! :)
6. Spending the night in Meredith's room too many nights to count.
7. Staying awake and laughing for hours with Meredith.
8. Pulling Meredith's end table on top of me in the middle of the night and not waking up..."Do you want some breath spray?" hahaha
9. Dive bombing Puden in the mornings with mom to wake him up.
10. Two words: Nintendo Wii
11. Having an "appendage" aka Sydney
12. Staying up late with Puden to watch Friends
13. Williams and Ree
14. The Wa Wa Wiggle Wobble Wazzy Woodle Woo
15. "Do we have to watch The Sound of Music again?!" ~ Grandpapa
16. My family suffering through watching Peter Pan with Mary Martin with me...or at least listening to it in the background.
17. Badmitton in the backyard.
18. Making up a dance to "Get On Your Feet" with Meredith and Puden and our neighbors.
19. "Auntie, I love you"
20. Coming home from a late night to wake up mom to tell her I'm home and freak her out since she was sleeping!
21. Homemade New Kids on the Block concerts
22. Playing Bambi upstairs
23. Building forts and staying up late to play Super Nintendo and watch Star Wars inside it
24. Mom throwing a roll at dad's head during dinner, and dad throwing a roll to kill a fly on the wall.
25. -"We're going to meet Grandpa for lunch."
-" Oooo, are we going to wendy's?"
26. HOHOHO ~Grammy
27. Picking fruit and veggies and canning them at Grandmama's.
28. Mavs nights
29. Cranium victories
30. Oreo Blizzards
31. Watching musicals and dancing around the living room
32. Quoting movies with Meredith
33. Going to Puden's basketball games
32. Daddy daughter dates to 6-flags
33. Trying to be quiet on Christmas morning so we didn't wake up mom and dad, but we always did anyway.

Anyway, there's lots more but I"m sure y'all don't want to hear all about them. haha. Anyway, love yall bad! Hope you have a great week!! XOXO


Kiera said...

I love memories of my family too! I love how some of them nobody will understand except you and your family. That makes it the best! You have got me thinking of memories with my family! I sure miss them! I can't wait to see you when you get home from school!

Meredith said...

'We want a trampoline...tonight, tonight, tonight.' Good times, and we got our way so that makes it even better! I just emailed you my open-ended list, funny times. It's crazy how many things you can think of if you just sit and think about it, I could have kept on forever but you know, laundry calls. Thanks for the list, it made me smile! :)

JA and co. said...

I will forever be in debt to you for introducing me to the "white guy and the indian"...yeah, baby! Good times, good times.

Amy Pennington said...

Ok I didn't see belching anywhere on this list:) I love the list by the way! Your family has a special place in my heart. I always loved playing games and hanging out with your fam! All fun peeps!