Friday, November 30, 2007

The bug!

So, either I'm really nice and having sympathy pains for Ben, Meredith and Syd, or my body is just way more resilient than theirs cuz I finally got the flu that they all had last week. It's not bad, but I'm definitely staying home tonight so it doesn't get worse. Bad timing to get sick! BLEH...but its okay..>I love them anyway. Its better than getting sick while I'm at home on vacation. Although, I miss getting babied by my mommy! :) Well, it's quittin time! Peace!


Amy Pennington said...

wow everyone is droppin like flies...I pray I don't get it!

Hope you feel better soon!

Meredith said...

Aw, bummer that you got it too - I didn't get it until Saturday night so I beat you! But I had it really bad, very yucky! I hope you are feeling better, I'm finally getting back to myself, today I got a few things done, that's more than the past couple days! Miss ya, sorry you got sick...

Kiera said...

Wow, that bug is sure going around. I am praying that we don't get it while we are there for Christmas. Audrey always gets sick when we are on vacation, so I am hoping this time she stays healthy! I hope you feel better soon!