Thursday, June 12, 2008

Hey y'all! So it's been a while...I'm lazy, I know! :) Actually, I've been pretty busy...and when I say pretty busy, I mean just hanging out at other people's houses instead of mine. :) Can't complain though. It seems like I'm over at Ben and Meredith's everyday. Gotta love some good ol' sister, brother-in-law and niece time!!! I've also been teaching dance lessons which was been way fun. We had our last class yesterday so that's pretty lame, but the recital is on Tuesday and I'm getting pretty excited about that. You know me...planning and organizing things is my cup of tea! :) My bro moved into his own apartment so I got to spend the day over there a couple days ago...he's moved back to living on mac n cheese and hotdogs from the looks of things...and he thought his college life was over. haha. sucker. lol jk. I did get a KILLER sunburn yesterday. I have mixed emotions about it...part of me is saying OUCH but the other part is I can start tanning.

Steph's wedding was on Saturday. Everything looked so good compared to when we started decorating. Although, I left at around noon and they were there until 6:30...a lot happens in 6 hours. haha. It was way fun to see everyone again though. There were a lot of old YW's presidency members there that we had growing up. My biggest surprise was Mandi Munafo! I didn't know they moved back so that was a fun surprise. Plus, I got to hear her call me flower pot again! :) Gotta love those crazy English people! :) Me and Julie Eakins pretty much partied the whole time. Well...partied in our own way anyway. We were on kitchen duty too along with decorating duty, so we made lots of funny memories.

I've got one more week left until I fly back home to Provo, so I've got a lot of playing to do within the next 7 days! For now, I'm heading out to go to Meredith's. Surprised? :)


Jen Bowen said...

Yay! You posted again! It's good to hear more about what you've been up to. Sadly my phone calls from work to ask you questions just aren't enough for me. So you're back here in about a week? It'll be so fun to have you back. Although I've been a bad friend about calling you're definitely missed while you're gone. Good luck with the recital. I wish I could see it since it's gonna be so cute with the combo of all the little kids and your talent.

Adrienne said...

Man, you only have a week left here. How come the time always flies by when you are here and I hardly get to see you! Hopefully I'll get to see you again before you leave! Love yah!