Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What did she say?!?

In 1995, when we moved to Texas, we were given a little something that others thought might help us to make the proper adjustments to living in the Lone Star State. We already knew it was hot and we’d need new wardrobes that consisted of t-shirts, shorts and sandals (which were hardly ever used in Washington…maybe for that one week in the summertime when it got above 80 degrees and it didn’t rain :)), but we never anticipated all of the new words we’d need to be familiar with in our day to day conversations with people. This is where the Texan Dictionary came in handy. Yes, there is an entire dictionary dedicated to helping outsiders understand the way we talk. Words like ‘fixin to’ and ‘ustacould’ are common phrases that we have come to learn and love (and yes, I have been known to use both in my every day vernacular from time to time). So, with that on my mind, I’ve decided to start y’all off on a little Dictionary to help you understand the words I use. So many times, I’ve used these words and people look at me like…wha? And to me, it’s common knowledge. So, now, if you ever hear me use these words (which are all non-Texan by the way), you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. If, by chance, I say something that does not appear on the following list, and it sounds Texan in nature (you can tell by the simple fact that it could be the combination of 2,3 or 4 – sometimes 5 – words put together merely because we’re too lazy to say the whole thing), then you can pick up your own Texan Dictionary at your friendly neighborhood Wal*mart. I guess you could always just ask too, but I promise, the dictionary is a great read.

Number 1: Stinky Cheese – yes…I actually call parmesan cheese, stinky cheese. If I remember correctly, this is what my grandpa used to call it. Something about it smelling n such. I grew up calling it that, and I still call it that, to this day. I remember the first time I used this word around non family members. I was at a friend’s house for dinner and we were having spaghetti. I asked them to please pass the stinky cheese, thinking that’s what everyone called it and wow…I wish everyone could’ve seen the crazy looks I got from everyone at the table. Not to worry though, we’re still friends and now I can call it stinky cheese whenever I want! :)

Number 2: Druthers – ….is this such a weird word to everyone? No one understands it and we’ve been using it in our house for years. I believe it’s a combination of “would you rather,” but I’m really not sure. You’ll have to ask my mom since it’s her fault that I say it in the first place. Used correctly, it’ll go something like this: “Does anyone have any druthers for what we have for dinner tonight?” Simple as that. I said it during Disney night once…again, the looks astounded me. No one knew what in the world I was talking about, and it literally confused me. I really should stop assuming that everyone uses the same words that I do. Druthers is a real word you know…I just looked it up on, so you know its legit. :)

Number 3: Peachie – meaning folder. Like the school folder with the pockets and sometimes the brads in the middle. It’s a peachie. Always has been and always will be. I’m not really sure where this came from. Everyone called it that in Washington, where I grew up, although, my roommate that lived just a town over had never heard of the word before…maybe we were the elite town in the area and could make up our own words?? Or maybe we were just all off our rockers….

Number 4: Quee – a combination of ‘sweet and cool.’ I usually reserve this word for use only when I’m around those who understand its meaning and power. But, now that those who read this will know about it, I guess I can use it more :). The great thing about quee is that, as long as it has a positive connotation, it can be used for just about anything. Ex: ‘that skirt looks so quee on you.’ ‘I rocked that test. Quee (said with the ee’s elongated and accompanied with a power knod/head shake),’ etc. This wonderful word came to be, one night during the early morning hours while staying at J Tal’s apartment for about a week or so. We were really tired from moving all of my stuff over there and, of course, we were out partying that night, or something fun. I was really tired, and she said something to me that was really cool for her. Instead of saying cool or sweet, it came out quee. If I remember right, I kind of sounded high or something…probably looked it too since I was so tired. We laughed (a lot) about the word and started using it in the magnet poems that we’d write while bored at work. We also made up the words nessing and truthtion, by combining two magnet words together, however, I don’t use those enough to warrant them making the dictionary. The only places they appear are in our poetry, and they are so abstract and make so little sense that most people don’t really ask anyway…

So, those are my main four. I’ll have to start using quee more often, for sure. Maybe it will catch on. Number 53 on my bucket list is to invent a word that makes it into the dictionary…or at least one that the general population uses, whether its counted as real or not. *crosses her fingers*

Random aside: I realized two things about me recently that are quite strange. (I know there are a lot of things about me that are strange, but I JUST realized these ones…that’s why I’m announcing it). 1) Whenever I drive under a yellow light, I always look into my rear view mirror to see how many people followed me thru. It always intrigues me. 2) Whenever I hear the song ‘Baby Love,’ it always makes me think of that episode of Full House when Michelle is sick and Uncle Jesse gets worried about her and he has a flash back of all their good times together…the song is playing in the background. I’m not sure why I remember that. I haven’t watched the show since Syd was born…and who knows if I even saw that episode. Meh…it’s hard to tell, but either way, it’s a fun memory. :)


Laura said...

I did too use the word peachie! At least I'm assuming you're talking about me. :)

And I also check to see who followed me through the yellow lights. Some of those guys back there really push the limit doncha know!

Heather Sellers said...

I do the yellow light thing too!

I also say fixin' to constantly. Say to Mike Warren, it makes him laugh every time!

Meredith said...

Hee hee, you are so silly! There is nothing wrong with any of those words, I say them too - well except quee. 'Peachie' is really spelled peechie by the way, if you google it you will find a link that explains what it is, just like you said. I don't know what everyone's problem is, all folders are peechies! :)

Meredith said...

Just kidding, it's Pee Chee folder and it even has it's own Wiki page, cool!