Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wanna Spoon?

I am about to address something that has had me perplexed in the last little while. I’m sure no one else ever thinks about this, but it’s a constant problem that I’m running into lately, so what better way to vent than to turn to my trusty blog? Here it goes:

What’s with those spoons that are so deep that you have to literally dig your upper lip down into the spoon in order to get everything that’s on it? Why can’t all spoons be the same depth? I realize, you have your soup spoons and such that are meant to be deep. That’s fine. I can make my peace with the deep, soup spoons. Those, I’m prepared for, but I’ve used about 4 different types of regular, plastic spoons recently and some of them are great, like the normal, dinner spoon. Others, I feel like I’m in a constant struggle to get that last little bit of applesauce that is taunting me from the depths of the spoon. Having to dig my upper lip gets tiring…maybe I’m not making out enough. That might solve my problems. ... Anyway, back to the spoons…I guess, for normal people, they can just maneuver the spoon upwards a little bit to eliminate the digging situation. However, for people like me, with enormously large schnozes, that is not an option. The more upward I position my spoon, the more danger I put myself in of accidentally picking my nose in a very uncomfortable way. Rather that, or a nice little side swipe to the nasal area….I’d rather not come back from lunch, looking like I got in a fight. Imagine everyone’s shock and surprise to find out that I had lost in an epic battle with a plastic spoon. That doesn’t make me come across very well.

What are some solutions, you ask? I’ve tried many and none of them seem to be a sure fire way to solve my problem. I’ve tried to eat it from the side of the spoon…that works sometimes, but maybe because of user error, a mess always occurs. I feel like a 2 year old who is still trying to learn to use utensils. Again, I’ve tried lifting the spoon, but the nose presents a problem. Although, now that I’m sitting here, writing this, it has just occurred to me that I should try pulling up, but off to the side…hmm…I’m sad to admit that I’ve had this problem for a while and that never occurred to me until just now. See…the glories of talking out your problems. A solution, almost always presents itself. I’ll try that tomorrow and let everyone know how it all worked out. Cross your fingers for me!

Either way, triumph or loss, I still think that they should make spoons the same depth, preferably more shallow so that this problem wouldn’t happen. I have too much to think about without having to maneuver my spoon when I eat. Yes…I am THAT lazy. With that being said I'm going to call it a night. Just something to think about the next time you're enjoying some liquid matter requiring a spoon. Food for thought, for sure. Make it a great day or not, the choice is yours :)


jenbwaite said...

Yes I want to spoon with you!

Isaac said...

Another suggestion - turn the spoon upside down in your mouth if it's not too big, then use your tongue to get whatever is hiding deep in there. Just an idea.

Anonymous said...

Isaac and I are on the same page here Tara, flip your spoon over!

Can I just say how much it makes me laugh that you posted a whole blog about spoons? Love ya!

Jen Bowen said...

I also do the spoon flippy thing with the deep spoons. Good luck in your ongoing battle against spoons!

So it's looking like Derrick will be in Dallas during the last 2 weeks of June. Depending on baby stuff that's when I'd be able to come see you. Do you know if you'll be around?

Meredith said...

Bandaid for real...have you never flipped your spoon upside down? Give it a try...I too have the Anderson nose, the flipping of the spoon solves your problem without creating more, give it a try! :) Love ya, and love that you just posted about spoons - you're one of a kind! :)

{B}dreamy said...

I was going to suggest the flipping of the spoon, but then I remembered who I was talking to and of all the potential messes to be made... also, I thought you were going to tell a certain story... about spoon offerings... still makes me laugh, haha! *B