Pardon the extreme blogging-ness all of a sudden. These things just keep happening/me thinking of them and I think to myself…hmmm, self…we should blog about that. So, here’s the next one:
Websites, websites, websites….what’s out there amazes me. Recently, I have stumbled across a really awesome website and another not so really awesome website, although, because of the horribleness of its nature, I find it very funny, albeit, sickening. So, let’s get the bad news out of the way first and end on a good note, shall we?
I saw a commercial the other day for a website called That’s right, Who Can I Sue .com….really? Are we that desperate for money that we’d hire a lawyer to tell our stories to and have them figure out who I could legally sue so I can get some money out of the situation? I don’t know about you, but I’d rather not spend the money, and more importantly, the time for something like this. It’s sad that people are going to these extremes. Is it just me? Or are people getting more nasty? More selfish? More just, downright inconsiderate? Don’t get me wrong…I am a firm believer that there are opposites in all things, so with the nasty come the more sincere, kind and all around amazing people who are even stronger than in times past. Either way…it’s sad that a website like this exists. Although, there are worse things out there, for sure.
Now, onto the hilarious website. There is a website that, probably most people are familiar with called “Stuff White People Like.” It’s pretty popular, especially with…you guessed it…white people. There are quite a few things listed, so it takes forever to read thru them all, but I’ve read some of them and I admit…I laugh, or sometimes chuckle, to myself. However, this is not the website I’m talking about. ‘Stuff BYU People Like” was inspired by the said website and is much shorter. I believe there are only 10 or 15 things, but it goes into great detail as to why we like these things. I seriously cried from laughing so hard. If you didn’t attend BYU, you may not get some of them, but either way, it’s a great look into what my life was like for 5 years. May I add one more to the list though? BYU People like putting their car in neutral and coasting down 900 East to see how far they can get. At first, I thought it was just my friend and I that did it. We’d hit the spot at the top of the hill, marked by the MTC (missionary training center), we’d shove our cars in neutral and see if we could get through all of the lights, all the way down to the bottom of the hill (about 2ish miles down), and into a parking spot in our apartment complex, right off of 9th without putting our cars back in drive. We would have these competitions to see who could do it the most in one week. The funny thing is, is while I was in the car with other people, they would do it to. Of course, we’d never draw attention to our gas saving scheme, but I noticed…mostly because I was looking. It’s fantastic and we all do it. Well, maybe not ALL…but a good chunk of us did it. Good times. I tip my hat to you, BYU…thanks for the good times and all the fantastic, ghetto memories! I miss thee… :)
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
What did she say?!?
In 1995, when we moved to Texas, we were given a little something that others thought might help us to make the proper adjustments to living in the Lone Star State. We already knew it was hot and we’d need new wardrobes that consisted of t-shirts, shorts and sandals (which were hardly ever used in Washington…maybe for that one week in the summertime when it got above 80 degrees and it didn’t rain :)), but we never anticipated all of the new words we’d need to be familiar with in our day to day conversations with people. This is where the Texan Dictionary came in handy. Yes, there is an entire dictionary dedicated to helping outsiders understand the way we talk. Words like ‘fixin to’ and ‘ustacould’ are common phrases that we have come to learn and love (and yes, I have been known to use both in my every day vernacular from time to time). So, with that on my mind, I’ve decided to start y’all off on a little Dictionary to help you understand the words I use. So many times, I’ve used these words and people look at me like…wha? And to me, it’s common knowledge. So, now, if you ever hear me use these words (which are all non-Texan by the way), you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. If, by chance, I say something that does not appear on the following list, and it sounds Texan in nature (you can tell by the simple fact that it could be the combination of 2,3 or 4 – sometimes 5 – words put together merely because we’re too lazy to say the whole thing), then you can pick up your own Texan Dictionary at your friendly neighborhood Wal*mart. I guess you could always just ask too, but I promise, the dictionary is a great read.
Number 1: Stinky Cheese – yes…I actually call parmesan cheese, stinky cheese. If I remember correctly, this is what my grandpa used to call it. Something about it smelling n such. I grew up calling it that, and I still call it that, to this day. I remember the first time I used this word around non family members. I was at a friend’s house for dinner and we were having spaghetti. I asked them to please pass the stinky cheese, thinking that’s what everyone called it and wow…I wish everyone could’ve seen the crazy looks I got from everyone at the table. Not to worry though, we’re still friends and now I can call it stinky cheese whenever I want! :)
Number 2: Druthers – ….is this such a weird word to everyone? No one understands it and we’ve been using it in our house for years. I believe it’s a combination of “would you rather,” but I’m really not sure. You’ll have to ask my mom since it’s her fault that I say it in the first place. Used correctly, it’ll go something like this: “Does anyone have any druthers for what we have for dinner tonight?” Simple as that. I said it during Disney night once…again, the looks astounded me. No one knew what in the world I was talking about, and it literally confused me. I really should stop assuming that everyone uses the same words that I do. Druthers is a real word you know…I just looked it up on, so you know its legit. :)
Number 3: Peachie – meaning folder. Like the school folder with the pockets and sometimes the brads in the middle. It’s a peachie. Always has been and always will be. I’m not really sure where this came from. Everyone called it that in Washington, where I grew up, although, my roommate that lived just a town over had never heard of the word before…maybe we were the elite town in the area and could make up our own words?? Or maybe we were just all off our rockers….
Number 4: Quee – a combination of ‘sweet and cool.’ I usually reserve this word for use only when I’m around those who understand its meaning and power. But, now that those who read this will know about it, I guess I can use it more :). The great thing about quee is that, as long as it has a positive connotation, it can be used for just about anything. Ex: ‘that skirt looks so quee on you.’ ‘I rocked that test. Quee (said with the ee’s elongated and accompanied with a power knod/head shake),’ etc. This wonderful word came to be, one night during the early morning hours while staying at J Tal’s apartment for about a week or so. We were really tired from moving all of my stuff over there and, of course, we were out partying that night, or something fun. I was really tired, and she said something to me that was really cool for her. Instead of saying cool or sweet, it came out quee. If I remember right, I kind of sounded high or something…probably looked it too since I was so tired. We laughed (a lot) about the word and started using it in the magnet poems that we’d write while bored at work. We also made up the words nessing and truthtion, by combining two magnet words together, however, I don’t use those enough to warrant them making the dictionary. The only places they appear are in our poetry, and they are so abstract and make so little sense that most people don’t really ask anyway…
So, those are my main four. I’ll have to start using quee more often, for sure. Maybe it will catch on. Number 53 on my bucket list is to invent a word that makes it into the dictionary…or at least one that the general population uses, whether its counted as real or not. *crosses her fingers*
Random aside: I realized two things about me recently that are quite strange. (I know there are a lot of things about me that are strange, but I JUST realized these ones…that’s why I’m announcing it). 1) Whenever I drive under a yellow light, I always look into my rear view mirror to see how many people followed me thru. It always intrigues me. 2) Whenever I hear the song ‘Baby Love,’ it always makes me think of that episode of Full House when Michelle is sick and Uncle Jesse gets worried about her and he has a flash back of all their good times together…the song is playing in the background. I’m not sure why I remember that. I haven’t watched the show since Syd was born…and who knows if I even saw that episode. Meh…it’s hard to tell, but either way, it’s a fun memory. :)
Number 1: Stinky Cheese – yes…I actually call parmesan cheese, stinky cheese. If I remember correctly, this is what my grandpa used to call it. Something about it smelling n such. I grew up calling it that, and I still call it that, to this day. I remember the first time I used this word around non family members. I was at a friend’s house for dinner and we were having spaghetti. I asked them to please pass the stinky cheese, thinking that’s what everyone called it and wow…I wish everyone could’ve seen the crazy looks I got from everyone at the table. Not to worry though, we’re still friends and now I can call it stinky cheese whenever I want! :)
Number 2: Druthers – ….is this such a weird word to everyone? No one understands it and we’ve been using it in our house for years. I believe it’s a combination of “would you rather,” but I’m really not sure. You’ll have to ask my mom since it’s her fault that I say it in the first place. Used correctly, it’ll go something like this: “Does anyone have any druthers for what we have for dinner tonight?” Simple as that. I said it during Disney night once…again, the looks astounded me. No one knew what in the world I was talking about, and it literally confused me. I really should stop assuming that everyone uses the same words that I do. Druthers is a real word you know…I just looked it up on, so you know its legit. :)
Number 3: Peachie – meaning folder. Like the school folder with the pockets and sometimes the brads in the middle. It’s a peachie. Always has been and always will be. I’m not really sure where this came from. Everyone called it that in Washington, where I grew up, although, my roommate that lived just a town over had never heard of the word before…maybe we were the elite town in the area and could make up our own words?? Or maybe we were just all off our rockers….
Number 4: Quee – a combination of ‘sweet and cool.’ I usually reserve this word for use only when I’m around those who understand its meaning and power. But, now that those who read this will know about it, I guess I can use it more :). The great thing about quee is that, as long as it has a positive connotation, it can be used for just about anything. Ex: ‘that skirt looks so quee on you.’ ‘I rocked that test. Quee (said with the ee’s elongated and accompanied with a power knod/head shake),’ etc. This wonderful word came to be, one night during the early morning hours while staying at J Tal’s apartment for about a week or so. We were really tired from moving all of my stuff over there and, of course, we were out partying that night, or something fun. I was really tired, and she said something to me that was really cool for her. Instead of saying cool or sweet, it came out quee. If I remember right, I kind of sounded high or something…probably looked it too since I was so tired. We laughed (a lot) about the word and started using it in the magnet poems that we’d write while bored at work. We also made up the words nessing and truthtion, by combining two magnet words together, however, I don’t use those enough to warrant them making the dictionary. The only places they appear are in our poetry, and they are so abstract and make so little sense that most people don’t really ask anyway…
So, those are my main four. I’ll have to start using quee more often, for sure. Maybe it will catch on. Number 53 on my bucket list is to invent a word that makes it into the dictionary…or at least one that the general population uses, whether its counted as real or not. *crosses her fingers*
Random aside: I realized two things about me recently that are quite strange. (I know there are a lot of things about me that are strange, but I JUST realized these ones…that’s why I’m announcing it). 1) Whenever I drive under a yellow light, I always look into my rear view mirror to see how many people followed me thru. It always intrigues me. 2) Whenever I hear the song ‘Baby Love,’ it always makes me think of that episode of Full House when Michelle is sick and Uncle Jesse gets worried about her and he has a flash back of all their good times together…the song is playing in the background. I’m not sure why I remember that. I haven’t watched the show since Syd was born…and who knows if I even saw that episode. Meh…it’s hard to tell, but either way, it’s a fun memory. :)
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Wanna Spoon?
I am about to address something that has had me perplexed in the last little while. I’m sure no one else ever thinks about this, but it’s a constant problem that I’m running into lately, so what better way to vent than to turn to my trusty blog? Here it goes:
What’s with those spoons that are so deep that you have to literally dig your upper lip down into the spoon in order to get everything that’s on it? Why can’t all spoons be the same depth? I realize, you have your soup spoons and such that are meant to be deep. That’s fine. I can make my peace with the deep, soup spoons. Those, I’m prepared for, but I’ve used about 4 different types of regular, plastic spoons recently and some of them are great, like the normal, dinner spoon. Others, I feel like I’m in a constant struggle to get that last little bit of applesauce that is taunting me from the depths of the spoon. Having to dig my upper lip gets tiring…maybe I’m not making out enough. That might solve my problems. ... Anyway, back to the spoons…I guess, for normal people, they can just maneuver the spoon upwards a little bit to eliminate the digging situation. However, for people like me, with enormously large schnozes, that is not an option. The more upward I position my spoon, the more danger I put myself in of accidentally picking my nose in a very uncomfortable way. Rather that, or a nice little side swipe to the nasal area….I’d rather not come back from lunch, looking like I got in a fight. Imagine everyone’s shock and surprise to find out that I had lost in an epic battle with a plastic spoon. That doesn’t make me come across very well.
What are some solutions, you ask? I’ve tried many and none of them seem to be a sure fire way to solve my problem. I’ve tried to eat it from the side of the spoon…that works sometimes, but maybe because of user error, a mess always occurs. I feel like a 2 year old who is still trying to learn to use utensils. Again, I’ve tried lifting the spoon, but the nose presents a problem. Although, now that I’m sitting here, writing this, it has just occurred to me that I should try pulling up, but off to the side…hmm…I’m sad to admit that I’ve had this problem for a while and that never occurred to me until just now. See…the glories of talking out your problems. A solution, almost always presents itself. I’ll try that tomorrow and let everyone know how it all worked out. Cross your fingers for me!
Either way, triumph or loss, I still think that they should make spoons the same depth, preferably more shallow so that this problem wouldn’t happen. I have too much to think about without having to maneuver my spoon when I eat. Yes…I am THAT lazy. With that being said I'm going to call it a night. Just something to think about the next time you're enjoying some liquid matter requiring a spoon. Food for thought, for sure. Make it a great day or not, the choice is yours :)
What’s with those spoons that are so deep that you have to literally dig your upper lip down into the spoon in order to get everything that’s on it? Why can’t all spoons be the same depth? I realize, you have your soup spoons and such that are meant to be deep. That’s fine. I can make my peace with the deep, soup spoons. Those, I’m prepared for, but I’ve used about 4 different types of regular, plastic spoons recently and some of them are great, like the normal, dinner spoon. Others, I feel like I’m in a constant struggle to get that last little bit of applesauce that is taunting me from the depths of the spoon. Having to dig my upper lip gets tiring…maybe I’m not making out enough. That might solve my problems. ... Anyway, back to the spoons…I guess, for normal people, they can just maneuver the spoon upwards a little bit to eliminate the digging situation. However, for people like me, with enormously large schnozes, that is not an option. The more upward I position my spoon, the more danger I put myself in of accidentally picking my nose in a very uncomfortable way. Rather that, or a nice little side swipe to the nasal area….I’d rather not come back from lunch, looking like I got in a fight. Imagine everyone’s shock and surprise to find out that I had lost in an epic battle with a plastic spoon. That doesn’t make me come across very well.
What are some solutions, you ask? I’ve tried many and none of them seem to be a sure fire way to solve my problem. I’ve tried to eat it from the side of the spoon…that works sometimes, but maybe because of user error, a mess always occurs. I feel like a 2 year old who is still trying to learn to use utensils. Again, I’ve tried lifting the spoon, but the nose presents a problem. Although, now that I’m sitting here, writing this, it has just occurred to me that I should try pulling up, but off to the side…hmm…I’m sad to admit that I’ve had this problem for a while and that never occurred to me until just now. See…the glories of talking out your problems. A solution, almost always presents itself. I’ll try that tomorrow and let everyone know how it all worked out. Cross your fingers for me!
Either way, triumph or loss, I still think that they should make spoons the same depth, preferably more shallow so that this problem wouldn’t happen. I have too much to think about without having to maneuver my spoon when I eat. Yes…I am THAT lazy. With that being said I'm going to call it a night. Just something to think about the next time you're enjoying some liquid matter requiring a spoon. Food for thought, for sure. Make it a great day or not, the choice is yours :)
Monday, January 4, 2010
Peace Out, 2009!
So, it’s been a while (as per the usual) and I figured I should send 2009 off properly. So, in honor of this past year, I have decided to give out meaningless awards called ‘Aunties.’
Kinda like the Grammys, but better because they are from me. :) So, 2009…this one’s for you!
Best music artist: Carrie Underwood. The runner up goes to David Archuleta, easily, but Carrie has recently outdone herself again with her new album. I spent many a cleaning check night cleaning away to her wonderful country sound. Sing it, Carrie.
Most listened to song: Crush by David Archuleta. I remember chatting with Erin about this all the time…before his album came out and it was just the single, that’s all we listened to over and over (and over) again. It made us kind of sad that itunes kept count of how many times it’s been played. (109 just for the record) It showed how truly pathetic (and awesome) we are. Sadly, the count isn’t even accurate as I’ve listened to it in my car and at work on youtube endlessly until the album came out. Oh David…how I love thee. (an appropriate amount, by the way…he is only 18 ya know :))
Best movie released in 2009: The Dark Knight. Hands down. So good. And the Joker: so appealing for whatever reason. Yes, sadly, I still love him in a creepy way since he, himself, is very creepy. It creeps me out that I am intrigued by him so much, but if you can’t fight it, embrace it!
Best new(er) TV show: Chuck. I was first exposed to Chuck in 2009 and I thank my brother, whole heartedly. So with that being said, brother…you get an Auntie too. Well done, well done :) A close runner up was Psych, but sorry…Chuck wins this one. Season three…please come now!
Biggest Waste of Time (and yet I still do it): Farmville on Facebook. That’s right, ladies and gentleman…I’m an avid farmviller. I haven’t farmed quite so much since I’ve started working, but those dreary days of unemployment were countered with a trip to my sister’s house and extensive plowing, seeding and harvesting each day. Although, I must admit that anytime a cat ‘wandered onto my farm’ and it asked me if I’d like to help the cat, I said no. Call me cruel and heartless, but hating cats is in my blood. I can’t even pretend to like them. Although, I take that back…I tolerated one cat and that was only because she had leukemia or something. I really don’t know what she had. I asked Jeffrey every time I was over there, but I couldn’t ever remember, so it was tradition to make up a different disease for her every time I went over there and leukemia is the one that stuck. I believe my tolerance was due to mere sympathy for the poor thing than anything else. Either way, it’s the only cat I’ve let lay in my lap and actually pet it. I hope my Grandpa didn’t accuse me of betraying the family creed from up in Heaven. I’m sorry Grandpa. It won’t happen again!
Best place traveled to: Ireland. No competition. It was so fantastical. I wish I was back there now. I’d totally live there. My apologies to Utah, Texas, California, Colorado and Arizona. I love you all, but you’re definitely not as exotic as the motherland. Where else can you find rainbow painted sheep and dancers whose legs flail about as if independent from their bodies? Fantastic.
Best video on Youtube: A Very Potter Musical. Closely tailed by this fantastic compilation of gymnastics bloopers. Pain can be funny sometimes. Especially when it’s not me.
Best thing I’ve done: Taking out my endowments. That was seriously the best thing I’ve done my whole life...not just 2009, so it gets two Aunties. I can’t express how grateful I am that the Lord prompted me to do that before I came back to Texas. On the more dark and dreary days, the only place I could find and feel peace was inside the temple walls. It has been a wonderful blessing in my life and I hope that I will always hold the temple as dear to me as I do now.
Coolest thing I got to see: My best friend, Kami, get married in the temple! I could relive that moment over and over again, even though I cried like a baby. :)
Greatest loss: Cumby the fish. His funeral was truly touching (and kind of smelly since we dowsed the Viking boat in hairspray before we set it on fire)…I will forever remember the good times we’ve had together. Oh Cummerbund, the lives you’ve touched… *sheds a small tear*
Best thing I got to cross off my bucket list: Seeing my first shooting star. (technically this one would be Ireland too, but I can’t use it for two. That’s against Auntie rules and regulations) I’ve been waiting to see one my whole life and every time people saw them, I was never looking at the sky for whatever reason…blah. But booyah, shooting stars. I totally caught you in the act!
Best Production seen: This is a hard one…it’s got to be between Wicked and Riverdance. I’ll probably go with Wicked since I’d first seen Riverdance in 2008. If there were Auntie awards back then, it totally would have won, easy peazy. Both were so fantastic though that it’s hard to chose and be completely happy with my decision. Maybe we’ll call it a tie? Let me check the rules…yup, that’s allowed. Cool…so they both get an Auntie. Congrats!
Best purchase: My GPS. Even though it led us astray in Montana (curse you Garmin), it provided us with some awesomely hilarious memories after it was all over and we met some really nice people and some people who were kinda retarded, but were fun to laugh at *remembers the car shop guys* Me: My tires are flat, and one is off the track, can you fix it? Tire shop guy: What? That’s a strange thing to request. Me: Uh, you’re a tire store right? That’s what you do? So, do it! :) Good times. Other than that little hiccup, it has saved my life quite a few times. I’m notorious for getting lost and reading maps while driving is never a good idea. So, GPS, I thank you for being my constant guide, even though you almost killed me once. A small thing that I will overlook just this one time. Loose gravel signs still give me the heebie geebies….and so do ditches.
Best discovery: Propel and Chex Mix. Another tie (please see above rules). My life wouldn’t be the same without them.
Best Roommate: Emmy Pants. She’s been there through it all with me and never failed to help me when I needed it, make me laugh everyday and just accepted me 100% for who I was, flaws and all. I couldn’t have asked for a better roommate, especially with everything that happened this year. I don’t know what I would have done without you. The Lord definitely knew I needed you when he put you in my life so many moons ago. I think life was a little grayer before you came along!
Best product of Facebook stalking: Bethers, Bethie-poo, the mighty Ogg (all of the above). I dunno what I would do without you. You complete me haha. I’m so glad we have a wonderful thing called Facebook so that we could be brought together :) Getting to meet you and then coming out to visit you this year was absolutely fantastical. You have been an answer to many heartfelt prayers and I’m so grateful that you’re always just a click away (or phone call if either of us ever get up the guts to do it), whenever I need you.
Most Patient Award: My family (I guess this is technically a 5 way tie, but its okay because I said so). They’ve stuck through me and tried to be understanding when I was moody and grouchy and my gloomy pants were not coming off. Thanks for sticking with me y’all. Not that you have a choice really, but you made my transition period, when I moved back home, a little more bearable than it would’ve been otherwise.
I could keep going, but I won’t because I’m sure I’ve blogged about each of these things at least once so you’re probably tired of hearing about them all. So, thanks for the good times, 2009. May 2010 be full of more facebook and less moving. :) HA…so just kidding. That wont even happen cuz Amy and I just got approved to rent the house we were wanting to rent. BOOYAH. We move in on Februrary 1st! More on that later. I have decorating to do...XOXO

Best music artist: Carrie Underwood. The runner up goes to David Archuleta, easily, but Carrie has recently outdone herself again with her new album. I spent many a cleaning check night cleaning away to her wonderful country sound. Sing it, Carrie.
Most listened to song: Crush by David Archuleta. I remember chatting with Erin about this all the time…before his album came out and it was just the single, that’s all we listened to over and over (and over) again. It made us kind of sad that itunes kept count of how many times it’s been played. (109 just for the record) It showed how truly pathetic (and awesome) we are. Sadly, the count isn’t even accurate as I’ve listened to it in my car and at work on youtube endlessly until the album came out. Oh David…how I love thee. (an appropriate amount, by the way…he is only 18 ya know :))
Best movie released in 2009: The Dark Knight. Hands down. So good. And the Joker: so appealing for whatever reason. Yes, sadly, I still love him in a creepy way since he, himself, is very creepy. It creeps me out that I am intrigued by him so much, but if you can’t fight it, embrace it!
Best new(er) TV show: Chuck. I was first exposed to Chuck in 2009 and I thank my brother, whole heartedly. So with that being said, brother…you get an Auntie too. Well done, well done :) A close runner up was Psych, but sorry…Chuck wins this one. Season three…please come now!
Biggest Waste of Time (and yet I still do it): Farmville on Facebook. That’s right, ladies and gentleman…I’m an avid farmviller. I haven’t farmed quite so much since I’ve started working, but those dreary days of unemployment were countered with a trip to my sister’s house and extensive plowing, seeding and harvesting each day. Although, I must admit that anytime a cat ‘wandered onto my farm’ and it asked me if I’d like to help the cat, I said no. Call me cruel and heartless, but hating cats is in my blood. I can’t even pretend to like them. Although, I take that back…I tolerated one cat and that was only because she had leukemia or something. I really don’t know what she had. I asked Jeffrey every time I was over there, but I couldn’t ever remember, so it was tradition to make up a different disease for her every time I went over there and leukemia is the one that stuck. I believe my tolerance was due to mere sympathy for the poor thing than anything else. Either way, it’s the only cat I’ve let lay in my lap and actually pet it. I hope my Grandpa didn’t accuse me of betraying the family creed from up in Heaven. I’m sorry Grandpa. It won’t happen again!
Best place traveled to: Ireland. No competition. It was so fantastical. I wish I was back there now. I’d totally live there. My apologies to Utah, Texas, California, Colorado and Arizona. I love you all, but you’re definitely not as exotic as the motherland. Where else can you find rainbow painted sheep and dancers whose legs flail about as if independent from their bodies? Fantastic.
Best video on Youtube: A Very Potter Musical. Closely tailed by this fantastic compilation of gymnastics bloopers. Pain can be funny sometimes. Especially when it’s not me.
Best thing I’ve done: Taking out my endowments. That was seriously the best thing I’ve done my whole life...not just 2009, so it gets two Aunties. I can’t express how grateful I am that the Lord prompted me to do that before I came back to Texas. On the more dark and dreary days, the only place I could find and feel peace was inside the temple walls. It has been a wonderful blessing in my life and I hope that I will always hold the temple as dear to me as I do now.
Coolest thing I got to see: My best friend, Kami, get married in the temple! I could relive that moment over and over again, even though I cried like a baby. :)
Greatest loss: Cumby the fish. His funeral was truly touching (and kind of smelly since we dowsed the Viking boat in hairspray before we set it on fire)…I will forever remember the good times we’ve had together. Oh Cummerbund, the lives you’ve touched… *sheds a small tear*
Best thing I got to cross off my bucket list: Seeing my first shooting star. (technically this one would be Ireland too, but I can’t use it for two. That’s against Auntie rules and regulations) I’ve been waiting to see one my whole life and every time people saw them, I was never looking at the sky for whatever reason…blah. But booyah, shooting stars. I totally caught you in the act!
Best Production seen: This is a hard one…it’s got to be between Wicked and Riverdance. I’ll probably go with Wicked since I’d first seen Riverdance in 2008. If there were Auntie awards back then, it totally would have won, easy peazy. Both were so fantastic though that it’s hard to chose and be completely happy with my decision. Maybe we’ll call it a tie? Let me check the rules…yup, that’s allowed. Cool…so they both get an Auntie. Congrats!
Best purchase: My GPS. Even though it led us astray in Montana (curse you Garmin), it provided us with some awesomely hilarious memories after it was all over and we met some really nice people and some people who were kinda retarded, but were fun to laugh at *remembers the car shop guys* Me: My tires are flat, and one is off the track, can you fix it? Tire shop guy: What? That’s a strange thing to request. Me: Uh, you’re a tire store right? That’s what you do? So, do it! :) Good times. Other than that little hiccup, it has saved my life quite a few times. I’m notorious for getting lost and reading maps while driving is never a good idea. So, GPS, I thank you for being my constant guide, even though you almost killed me once. A small thing that I will overlook just this one time. Loose gravel signs still give me the heebie geebies….and so do ditches.
Best discovery: Propel and Chex Mix. Another tie (please see above rules). My life wouldn’t be the same without them.
Best Roommate: Emmy Pants. She’s been there through it all with me and never failed to help me when I needed it, make me laugh everyday and just accepted me 100% for who I was, flaws and all. I couldn’t have asked for a better roommate, especially with everything that happened this year. I don’t know what I would have done without you. The Lord definitely knew I needed you when he put you in my life so many moons ago. I think life was a little grayer before you came along!
Best product of Facebook stalking: Bethers, Bethie-poo, the mighty Ogg (all of the above). I dunno what I would do without you. You complete me haha. I’m so glad we have a wonderful thing called Facebook so that we could be brought together :) Getting to meet you and then coming out to visit you this year was absolutely fantastical. You have been an answer to many heartfelt prayers and I’m so grateful that you’re always just a click away (or phone call if either of us ever get up the guts to do it), whenever I need you.
Most Patient Award: My family (I guess this is technically a 5 way tie, but its okay because I said so). They’ve stuck through me and tried to be understanding when I was moody and grouchy and my gloomy pants were not coming off. Thanks for sticking with me y’all. Not that you have a choice really, but you made my transition period, when I moved back home, a little more bearable than it would’ve been otherwise.
I could keep going, but I won’t because I’m sure I’ve blogged about each of these things at least once so you’re probably tired of hearing about them all. So, thanks for the good times, 2009. May 2010 be full of more facebook and less moving. :) HA…so just kidding. That wont even happen cuz Amy and I just got approved to rent the house we were wanting to rent. BOOYAH. We move in on Februrary 1st! More on that later. I have decorating to do...XOXO
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