Saturday, April 4, 2009

Strange things are happening to me

So, the last couple of weeks have been filled with some random, funny things goin on. For starters, I've been quite the sicky pants for the last two weeks...because of it, my sense of smell and taste have gone WACKO. Natania and I walked into one of the schools that we observe at for work, and I was like,*sniffs in really big* " you smell that? That smells soooo good!" She just started laughing and was like, uh...we're right next to the gym...what are you smelling that I'm not? I responded by telling her that I smelled mashed potatoes and chicken noodle soup. Apparently, all she smelled was smelly kid...weird. But ever since that day, I've definitely been craving some good ol' mashed potatoes and gravy. Earlier that week, Ashley and I went to the temple to do baptisms and I thought the water tasted like slurpee...Not that I was complaining at all. I'll take slurpee water over chlorine water any day. :)

Here's the kicker though...I opened a bag of "Smiles" fruit snacks from walmart (sent directly from heaven, I think...seriously, the best things ever). And this is what I found... Weird huh? Talk about a shocker! Definitely funny though. I was quite honored that it was a purple shark. Purple is the best color, easily.

Also, to update everyone, I got a call from Naropa University and they want me to come over for an interview in May! WOOP WOOP! I'm excited about it for sure. They told me to come in professional dress but to wear something that I can dance in...*confused* I'm not sure what kinds of professional clothes they wear, but shoot...I'm not sure that my dancing abilities will be magnified in my most professional wear...this could be fun! haha. Anyway, I'm gonna go reorganize my DVDs or something cuz they're all outta whack and its killin me! I heart yall bad! XOOX

1 comment:

Jen Bowen said...

Ahhhhh!!!!!! I'm so excited you made it to the interview stage at Naropa! Congrats! Good luck figuring out what professional dancewear is supposed to be.

If you get in we could potentially end up in the same place for a bit longer...or at least you'll be easy to visit :). So can you let me know when you're feeling better so we can play?

On a random note: the purple shark reminded me of when you accidentally colored a verse in your scriptures black when you thought it was purple. Good times.