Tuesday, April 22, 2008


YAY my finals are DONE! I was kind of going crazy yesterday though. I finished the two I had left and was home by noon and I didn't have to go in to work yesterday so I had the rest of the day to kill. I'm so used to constantly going all the time, up until I hit the sack, that I wasn't sure what to do with myself. I just kind of sat in my room for a while, watching my roommate pack. haha. She looked at me and was like...you really don't know how to have spare time do you? lol not really....I guess between all my classes, work, and my calling, I've always had more than enough to do and not enough hours to do them in. She always laughs at me because even if we are leaving somewhere in like 5 minutes, I still hop on my computer to do a little genealogy analysis or something. Good times.

So what did I do with my day yesterday, you ask? Well, I'll tell you...
It all started with me walking home from campus after finishing my last final. I was so excited that I was finally done that I forgot that I drove up to campus. Too bad I didn't realize that until I was about 2 minutes away from my apartment. Luckily, it was a nice day yesterday, so the 20 minute walk back home really wasn't all that bad. It was good that I left my car up there though because it motivated me to go run! So, I went for my usual run and then looped around to pick up my car and then drove home. Once I got home, I planned on taking a nap (I haven't been sleeping well lately cuz my RLS has been acting up for some reason) but just as I was walking upstairs, Laura turns on FRIENDS and well...I couldn't turn that down. So I watched a couple of those episodes and then went to Michaels to pick up some craft stuff that I need for later. This is when I got home and watched Laura pack for like 10 minutes but then she quit, so I was lost. haha. I went downstairs to see what Emily was doing and she was watching Remember the Titans so I joined in for the last little bit of that, watched some more TV, made some dinner, which was then followed by more TV, Mario Kart, TV and then going over to play wii tennis at this guys apartment in our ward. I don't think I have ever watched so much TV in my life. It was the most relaxing, lazy day I've ever had. haha. I hope I don't have any more of those though. I get off work at 11 today so I've saved some things that I thought of doing yesterday for today so I don't go crazy.

I made up a new word yesterday while we were playing wii....Twick. I'm not sure what it means. Right now, emily and I are just using it in whatever context we think best until we can come up with an official meaning. If anyone has some suggestions, they are welcome. Anyway, I hope yall have a great day! XOXO


Adrienne said...

I would use the word like this, "Twick man". You have to say it in that sort of hippy, laid-back way. So maybe someone does a great play on Wii, "That was twick!" HAHA Anyways, glad your finals are over and you have some time to just relax! Hopefully we'll get to see you a little bit while we are up in Utah. I think you'll be there for like 3 days that we are. Enjoy your free time! Love you!

Kiera said...

You are funny. You should use it as word you use when you are frustrated. Instead of "Awww man", its Awww twick! or as a name... " you are such a twick", or have it be a name for a hot guy or something!!!