Thursday, March 4, 2010

It's the small things in life...

I’ve been thinking recently about some of my favorite moments in movie history. There are plenty…but the more I’ve thought about it, there are three moments that particularly stand out to me. One is more of a “wow…that really bites.” Like, more than your normal suckage factor. Another encompasses the feeling of “dang…that’s so absurd that its hilarious” and lastly, “How hardcore…I wish I thought of that.” we go! We'll do the bad news first and work our way to the good :)

Movie Bite-age
Phantom of the Opera

One of the best musicals in my opinion, but the worst thing, ever, happens at the end. He’s crazy and in love with Christine and the whole, “I’ll kill Roul if you don’t stay with me” deal goes down. She decides to stay with him to save Roul’s life and because of her kindness, he lets them go, right? Great…that’s fantastic. Everyone is happy except for the crazy man. That’s not the bad part tho. One of the worst things happens after this point. As they are leaving, (I’m sure he’s heartbroken, by the way…no love, no friends, he just killed a bunch of people and he’s all alone in the dungeon thing again) and what does he hear? The two of them, singing about their love for each other. It’s like, lets pour some lemon juice on that insanely large gash in your soul, shall we? Hahaha Maybe because I’ve experienced something similar, it really gets me…although my experience was not quite the same though. I mean…there was no murder, no dungeons, but some crazy guys and some not so thrilling love moments. So, in a nutshell, pretty dull compared to a murdering, singing phantom, but I'll take what I can get. Haha Either way, Phantom…my heart reaches out to you and your lame situation :)

Movie Absurd-ness
Sleeping Beauty

This part just cracks me up…Aurora is in the meadow singing with the animals as per the usual, and Prince hottie comes along. They sing their song, all is well, right? The absolute funniest line is this… “Who are you? What’s your name?” And what are they doing when he says this? Snuggling by a tree... something doesn’t quite add up. Don’t get me wrong…snuggling by a tree is nice, and I have been called a ‘cuddle slut’ many a time in my life, but I don’t think I’ve ever snuggled with a guy who I didn’t know his name…not to mention snuggling with a guy that I met like 2 minutes before…and not really met but he found me while I was cavorting around in a forest. Kinda stalkerish and creepy if you ask me. Although, he’s hot, so if it happened to me, I’d most definitely let it slide. Please don’t think I’m blaming Aurora, because I’m not. I applaud her actually, and frankly, I'm a little jealous…but really…who does that?

Move Awesome-ness
Star Wars Episode 5

You all know the part that I’m talking about…they are about to lower Han Solo into the Carbonate chamber to freeze him. Leia says “I love you” as he is lowered…not knowing if she’ll ever see her true love again. And how does he reply? Like a pimp, he goes… “I know.” HA! Love it. Fantastic. None of this heart to heart mushy stuff from someone as hardcore and manly as Han Solo (one of my childhood heartthrobs by the way…and by childhood, I mean now) haha. The best is in episode 6, he tells Leia that he loves her and she comes back with an “I know.” BAM. Love it. I was watching a Star Wars documentary on HBO one time (yes…I’m a nerd. I know) and they did a little interview with him about that part, and I think I remember him saying that that was not what was in his script, which makes it even better. That was pure Harrison Ford awesomeness. You can’t beat that. Why wasn’t I born with Jedi powers? Princess Leia is so lucky…minus the part where she kisses her brother. Sick.

Anyway, its been a while since I've blogged and this was the best I could come up with in the short amount of time that I had. Our dance recital is tomorrow night, so stay tuned for cute videos and pictures of little girls in tutus, skirts and hip hop splendor! Until then, be on the look out for some of your favorite movie moments...


Jen Bowen said...

These comments about the movies, especially the last 2, brought back so many memories. I remember making fun of Sleeping Beauty with you (and watching a certain tie-up scene with you...). Just seeing the picture of Harrison Ford made me think of "Like a pimp, he says...I know". Gotta love Samuel L. Jackson as well :). Good times. I might need to go watch Star Wars now.

Meredith said...

Hee hee, love it! I think the 'I Know' is my favorite! So funny!!!

Honeybee said...

bwahahahaha. I love you. You are amazing.

Banjo Pants: "I know"


Marisa said...

Haha oh man, Tara I miss you! I think the best part of reading this was that I could picture exactly HOW you would say this if we were actually *talking* to each other. And you're right, the "I know" line wasn't scripted! But they loved it so much, he got to keep the ad-libbed moment of genius!

JA and co. said...

Haha, that totally made me want to watch Star Wars again to laugh at that. Also to laugh at that part about how her skin is like sand. Haha, good times.