Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Overheard @ BYU

Okay, I know I just posted like an hour ago...but this was too good to not share with everyone.

There is a facebook group called Overheard @ BYU. If you are on facebook, please give it a gander. Basically, people post things that they hear people say while they're walking around on campus or in class.

*In a religon class*
Teacher: Why are you obedient?
Student: Because I like pissing Satan off.
HA! Brilliant and probably only something you'd hear at BYU...although, most everything on this list is.

Here's another of my favorites:
*Guy saying to a girl*
"You have great birthing hips!"....sadly this doesn't surprise me.

"She's the weirdest girl I've ever met. I'm going to marry her...yup, I have to."

And one more personal favorite:
Professor, His 202- You all look dead. Wait- you all had this paper due last night, and this is a school where you don't drink coffee.
Anonymous student- Mid-terms.
Teacher- You all stayed up all night, didn't you?
*students nod*
Teacher- Without caffeine?
*students nod*
Class dismissed!

hahaha now you all know why I miss BYU so much. Never a dull moment :) Although, if you want to hear about another not so dull moment in my life, Heather blogged about my recent dating experience the other week...feel free to take a gander. Its pretty funny.


Meredith said...

OK love the date story, why didn't I hear about that? Bandaid I live outside of my house vicariously through you, please share! :) All my funny dating stories ended long ago, now all I have is Ben running into walls in the middle of the night and splitting his head open - don't get me wrong, that's hilarious and all, but first date stories (at least YOUR stories) always crack me up! :)

Honeybee said...

I found that facebook page this last week. LOVE IT! It makes me miss BYU a bit too. I wish I had written down some of the things that I heard. It also makes me want to go stalk people during breaks and write down everything that they say. And the date story...no bueno. Can't say I haven't been there though. Keep blogging. I miss your awesome stories. :)