Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Its Update Time! :)

Okay, so I realize that I haven't blogged since Dinosaurs roamed the earth, however, I've decided to repent of my sins and write so as to not disappoint. I distinctly remember telling Adam that I would write every Thursday so he had something to do during Adam, if you haven't given up on me yet...this one's for you! And my apologies for not delivering the last, oh....15 blog entries. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

Seeing as how I have neglected to write in the last two months, almost, I'm going to do a very short update from all the cool things that have happened since I last wrote. If you would like the full account of these activities, you may read my sister's blog as pretty much everything I do, is with her and she blogs much more than I do :)

Dancing the night away...

It felt so good once the dance recital was over :) So much stress had been building up with teaching and making the costumes and yada yada, but you know I loved every minute of it. Now that I'm done, all this free time has been kinda weird, but I'm soaking it all up. I'm sure I'll start teaching again once all this junk with my foot is over. Either way, the girls did great. There were a few bumps in the road, but I think it went pretty well. I really miss getting to teach those girls! They're so fun. I think one of my favorite moments from teaching was when one of my hip hop girls said, "Miss're hip hop moves are just SOOOOO HIP!" hahaha so funny. You probably had to be there and know the girl, but it was just so funny because she's one of the shyest girls I've ever met and I got to see her come out of her shell so it was fun.


I had so much fun with Emily! We did a lot of reading, relaxing, napping...yeah good times! :) It was fun to just relax and not worry about anything for a few days, although the airport on the way home was definitely not fun, but its all good. I made it home and that's what matters :) I think my favorite thing that Emily and I did was going to Borders to sit and read for a while...I seriously haven't sat down and read in a long time and I've missed that. But the top of my list is getting to go visit Beth, Sister Borgia and little Elsie Rae. I was sad that we didn't get to spend more time together, but I was definitely glad that I got to see y'all a little bit. Thanksgiving, Beth? Yeah? good....hahaha Love you guys! And Emmy, I had a BLAST with you, as I always do. I cant wait til May when we'll be in Utah for Jen's wedding! :) XOXO

Disney On Ice

LONG story short...Syd woke up with a fever and flu the day we were supposed to go to Disney on Ice. She had been so excited about it for MONTHS and she just laid on their couch and cried since she didn't think she was going to get to go. But...luckily, prayer and faith work! My sister and Syd (as I'm sure along with the rest of us) prayed all day that Syd would feel well enough to go. I would've hated to have to have my sister tell her she couldn't go because she was so sick. We decided to take her and she did just fine through the whole thing and LOVED every minute of it. It was more fun watching her than the ice skating! so great. Needless to say, we brought along the trusty barf bucket just in case :)

Malla's Birthday

I can't believe this girl is TWO! Man how time flies...One thing I learned...Malla LOVES Dora! haha Well, technically, I knew this already, but seriously...every present she opened, I'd see this excited look on her face and then hear her exclaim, "DORA!" hahah love, love, love it! She's so cute! I'm so lucky to have such awesome nieces! :)

Kami & Chipin

Kami and Chapan came to visit for a week and Malla kept calling him Chipin, so naturally, that's his new name :) It was so fun to see them! I needed a good Kami fix :) And as always, when someone visits, we got to go to BABES. YES....the best country fried steak, biscuits and mashed potatoes with cream corn. Dude, its good! We got to do our traditional facials and our playing with hair/back scratch trade that. Not to mention having all around good times, all the time. Our Cranium game was quite awesome! Loved it! That has got to be one of my favorite games to play. I was sad that I had to work while they were here, but we still had a good time! I miss you already, lovely head! Oh May...will you please come now?!

Temple Time

While Kami and Chipin (hehe) were here, we had the fantastic opportunity to all go to the temple together. We did an endowment session and then took my family names that I've been compiling to do sealings, afterward. It was such a tender and special experience. My brother and sister and Ben were there, Kami and Chipin, Ron Dude and Jeremy and JaeLyn. I was sad that all of our family couldn't be there to be a part of it, but I was glad that we were able to have so many of us there. It was so cool...for both of the families that we sealed together, all of the siblings that were there (either Breinholts or Andersons) were all sitting in so it made it even more personal and meaningful. The sealer was hilarious...he kept trying to figure out how all of us Andersons, Breinholts and Konkrights were related. I think he finally figured it out toward the end of the session, but lets face it...there aren't many compilations of family like us haha. It was so wonderful though. I wish we could do that every weekend! Lots of tears of joy for getting to do temple work for our family. Very special...I cant wait until we get to do it again :)

Women's Shelter-ness

Last night, I got to volunteer at the Presbyterian Night Shelter for women. It was such an amazing experience. For those of you, long time readers, you remember me telling you that if I could work anywhere and do anything, that that's what I want to do. I LOVED it and absolutely ate it up. There's just something about seeing the kids smile and get so excited to have someone new to play with that just brightens any bad day. This one little girl came running up to me and gave me this huge hug and said HEY! DO YOU WANT TO PLAY WITH ME?!?! With this huge smile on her face. How can you say no to that? By the end of the night, I had made good friends with around 4 or 5 of the kids there and it was just so much fun. My favorite was this little shy girl, Manya. She hardly spoke to me, but would just sit on my lap and play games with me. Towards the end of the night, I couldn't get her to stop talking! She was on a role and such a cutie! I hope I get to go back soon so I can play with them again :)

So there you have it...I tried to keep it short, but alas, it ended up long anyway! I'll try not to let the next two months slip by me before I write again :) Chao!


Honeybee said...

LOVE IT! You have had some wonderful adventures! :)

Chris and Jenn Roundy said...

Thanks for the updates! Sounds like fun! Love yer guts! :-)

Jen Bowen said...

Yay for an update! I'm glad you've had so many fun trips/adventures, etc. Hopefully I'll get a chance to see you this summer.

Meredith said...

Yay for updates and lots of good times! And Chipin, ha ha!