Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Beats me...

So, there have been a few things that have been brought to my attention lately that I really just don’t understand. No amount of explanations or excuses or what not, seem to validate why these things happen. At least, not in my head. Maybe they do for other people and that’s why it isn’t constantly boggling their minds…or maybe it is and I’m just the first person to ever throw it out there. Who knows? I kinda hope that I’m not the only person that thinks about this stuff, but if I were, it really wouldn’t surprise me…

I’ve never understood traffic. At least not when there was no cause for it anyway. I mean, I can understand crawling traffic when there has been an accident or there’s construction or bad weather or something, but seriously…a few times in the last month or so, I’ve been driving and all of a sudden, we’ve slown from about 70mph to 35mph. I think, wow…maybe there’s an accident up there or something. Nope. Nothing. We start back up at 70 again in a matter of a few miles and then it happens again. It’s not even people not knowing how to merge. I mean, maybe it has something to do with them, but still…I just don’t get it. Why can’t everyone just keep driving?

Losing Hair Ties
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to buy another package of hair ties because all of mine have mysteriously vanished. I use them every day and they never fail to sneak away into the depths of the earth within a matter of months. You would think they would be easy to keep track of. I used to blame it on roommates stealing them, thinking they were theirs. That’s easy to do. They all look the same. But, alas, I’m still having the same problem here in Texas as I was in Utah. Yup…that’s right. User error. Or maybe there are little gnomes that come and steal them to use as hula hoops or something in the middle of the night and never bring them back. I personally think it’s the latter.


Christmas Shopping
It’s NEVER done! Even when I think it is…remember when I boasted that I was finished before December? Yeah…definitely tooted my horn a little too early on that one. I’m STILL not done and there’s less than 10 days til Christmas. I need to start planning for this around mid October, then maybe I’ll be able to cross it off my bucket list.

Other than that, life is good. Busy, but good! I always laugh to myself because back when I first got here, I kept saying to myself that once I got into a routine, I would feel a lot better about being home. Well…routine definitely found me. Each day of the week has its own, specific itinerary and it usually doesn’t vary too much. My favorite part of my day is lunch time though. Not only is this usually around the same time every day, but it’s always filled with the exact same activities. There’s always a random thing that happens, generally, but you’d better believe that when I walk into my sister’s house for lunch, it isn’t too long before Syd grabs my hands, pulls me into the kitchen and we do our little ABC’s dance in the kitchen a couple of times. Then, I announce that I have to go potty, so I head over to the bathroom. While I’m doing my business, the girls decide that it’s funny to shove things underneath the door crack at me. They giggle. Ask if I can see it and then run back to start eating their lunch (or finish eating it if I decide I don’t have to go number 1 until after I’m done eating). One day was a particularly slow day at work so I definitely hit up the bathroom before I left for lunch and when I had finished eating, Syd goes, “Hey Auntie, are you just going to go to the bathroom now?” Yeah…there was an array of shock going around the table when I announced that I didn’t have to go today. Love it. Consistency. It does a body good.


Ashton Halladay said...

About the traffic thing...basically, the problem is that reaction times are not instantaneous. If the brake lights of the person immediately in front of you go on, it takes a small delay for you to get your brake lights on. You will (likely) leave your lights on longer than the car in front of you (if only by a small amount).

The person behind you has the same problem, though they have to deal with a longer brake light than you do. The person behind them has it even worse.

And so on, until the person several hundred cars behind the initial idiot driver (who tapped his brakes for no apparent reason) is required to brake for five minutes at a time.

So really, this is a round-about way of saying that traffic is caused by a select few idiots.

{B}dreamy said...

I lose my bobby pins ALL the time! *B

JA and co. said...

Hair ties and socks...if I had to invest in something it would be those (since everybody loses them everybody has to keep buying them!).

We'll have to get together sometime!

Jen Bowen said...

That's hilarious that your nieces get disappointed if you don't have to pee at lunch time. Miss you.

Meredith said...

Hee hee, mental picture and much giggles about your daily lunch routine! At least they know what to expect when you're here! :) Sydney can't wait to see you tonight, she's been asking ALL day how long until Auntie gets here! You're a rock star at my house!

Anonymous said...

I am so with you on the traffic thing! 35 is horrible and usually for no reason whatsoever.

Also, what is the deal with hair ties and bobby pins? I put like 6 bobby pins in my hair at least twice a week and lately I find that I am pulling out new ones every time. I bet when we move we will find bobby pins under every piece of furniture!