Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Conference Weekend 'Miracles'

I LOVE Conference weekend. Its seriously one of my favorite weekends of the entire year. We had the General Relief Society meeting on Saturday which was amazing as usual. It was weird not being in Utah for it though. I was definitely spoiled with getting to go to at least one session each time conference rolled around. I guess it's time for other people to have the opportunity. Before the Relief Society session, we had a musical fireside for our Stake where my mom, sister and I got to sing the song 'Miracles,' by Sally DeFord, together. It was so special for all of us to get to do that. We used to sing together all the time. I remember when we sang for my brother's farewell, the Bishop got up and said something about the "Anderson sisters striking again!" It was good times! I remember when I was younger, my mom would play songs on the piano and my sister would pull out her flute and I would sing and we'd just do that for an hour or two. I remember doing "The Hearts of the Children" from the Primary songbook all the time! Maybe that's why I love doing genealogy so much now... Definitely one of my favorites. My sister videotaped us practicing and she put it on her blog for y'all that wanted to see it and weren't there. This one was probably better than the actual thing anyway since our knees weren't shaking with nerves, this time around :) We definitely weren't used to singing in front of people anymore...its been almost 10 years since we last sang together...woooo! Man how time flies! Anyway, here's the link: http://thetexasbreinholts.blogspot.com/2009/09/miracles.html

I cant wait for this weekend though. What can be better than two full days of uplifting messages and feeling the spirit. Bring it on! Sunday morning we always go over to my sister's before hand and we have quiche and...food? hahaha All I remember is the quiche. Cut me some slack...it's been 5 years since I've watched it at home. For some reason, I remember a lot of rolls too...but that shouldn't surprise anyone :) Most of my memories have bread in them. I'm in charge of the quiche this year tho and I'm using Beth's yummy recipe to change things up a bit! YUMMMM! My brother was pretty excited when I told him about it. The other quiche is good, but you can only have so much of it cuz its rich or something...I dunno... I hope it turns out well! :)

I don't know if I'm allowed to have a favorite apostle...but I do, so whatever! :) I always LOVE hearing from Elder Oaks. Not that I don't love hearing from the other's. I love them all...but there's something about Elder Oaks that I cant get enough of. I think it's cuz he's so intense that it kinda scares me a little and just zings me! Plus...he's the cutest old man and whenever he speaks, its always so wonderful! His voice also reminds me of the guy at the beginning of those Living Scriptures videos that's like "...please don't make a copy of this tape..." lol I love it and I love him! I hope everyone gets to watch it and has a wonderful experience. About 4 years ago, when I took a 'Teachings of the Living Prophets' class at BYU, she challenged us to pray and fast before Conference started and to ask certain questions. She told us to write them down and then take good notes throughout conference. Each time I've done that, each of my questions have been answered, if not through a talk, directly, through the spirit. I always laugh when the Conference issue of the Ensign comes out and I'm rereading the talks and comparing my notes and I had written things down that had nothing to do with anything they were saying. Its wonderful to know that the Lord communicates to us, the things we need to hear and know, through the Spirit and through his called prophets and apostles. I'm so grateful for this gospel and for the guidance, direction and peace that it constantly brings into my life.


jenbwaite said...

I'm excited for conference too! And thanks for the good reminder to have questions in our mind that we want answered.
Even though I am totally SLACKING about calling you,i still think about you all the time. I will call you though, I promise! Life is just hectic right now. Heart you!

Meredith said...

Awww Bandaid, how I love thee. I don't know if I have a favorite - Monson and Hinckley have been my boys for YEARS. I miss Pres. Hinckley - I still get chills when I hear his voice on a video clip or something. When I read something he said I can hear it in my head, it's still very real to me. I'm that way with Pres. Monson too, I love his stories. I think Bednar is one of favorite newbies, I always love his messages. Like you said though, they are all amazing. Looking forward to your quiche...the rolls you remember not-so-vividly are my sticky buns...that's right my friend, come with an empty stomach!!!

Chris and Jenn Roundy said...

Hey, I remember that Teachings of the Living Prophets class! I was there with you! :-) Sorry I've been a slacker friend for the past... umm... year or so it seems! I love you and reading this post of yours made me want to grow up to be just like you, Banjo Pants! You're so awesome!