Monday, May 4, 2009

Women's Conferencing

This weekend I got to go to Women's Conference at BYU for the first time. It was so awesome! Thursday Beth, Ashley and I hit up the sessions together which was definitely fun! We made the mistake of picking all the ones that had to do with overcoming and finding strength in our trials though. It was definitely my favorite day becuase everything was so great and inspiring, but it was EXHAUSTING. When we got to the closing session where everyone came back together that day, Ashley asked me what the topic was that the speaker was speaking on and I pulled out the program and read, "Finding strength in our trails." We all paused and proclaimed, "NOOOOO!" hahaha It was way funny though...but we definitely mixed things up a bit the next day.

After we ate up and took a little break from the hoards of women that were surrounding us, we went back into the madness and made tutus for battered women's shelters. It was definitely my favorite part of the Conference. We were at a little table of like 5 or 6 of us and out of everyone that sits next to me, guess who it was? The wife of the Bishop for the ward that I'll be in if I move to Colorado! Yeah...good times. I'd been getting a little discouraged about it lately...trying to figure out if that was really the path that I needed to go down and this totally re-pumped me up! We talked all about the area and the ppl in the ward and such. She told me that most people in that ward are all Graduate students at CU so they'll be older which is nice. She said that they were just wonderful and told me about their institute program which I've heard great things about. It was awesome. And of course, we found some time for some goofing off time too....

Righ when we took the picture of Ashley with the tutu on her head, we look over and Sister Beck is standing like 20 feet from us. Her second counselor was there too and she looked at us and started laughing. lol. Thats probably why they allow women our age to go...they need some good laughs :)

Friday was just Ashley and I and we got to hear John Bytheway and Bro Wilcox speak which was AWESOME as you could imagine. We decided that instead of moving around all over campus that we would just stay in one building and bring uno cards to keep us entertained. The day before was nice to get up and walk around but some of those ladies were rutheless! You'd be surprised how much pushing and shoving was goin on. haha. It was definitely funny to watch for sure. And I would just like to say that I was crowned the Women's Conference Uno Champion. That's right...don't mess with this. :) We got to hear Sister Beck and Elder Perry talk which was AWESOME. And not to mention that Sunday's CES Fireside was given by Elder Bednar, so its been an awesome weekend. I highly recommend Women's conference to everyone! Although, I must say...I did miss being surrounded by my male counterparts those couple of days. much estrogen. haha. Seriously wonderful and it was SO much fun!

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