Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Longest Week Ever...

Howdy, howdy, howdy! So, I've decided that this week has been absolutely the longest week ever...well more like this month. It seems to me that the month of September is never ending and do you know why it's going so slow?...I have a hypothesis! Ever since I got here and school started, I've had this awful urge to decorate for Halloween. I finally caved on Monday and put up some stuff that was sitting around our closet that I had bought after Halloween last year so it didn't get in the Halloween box. My roommates think I'm absolutely crazy, but I can't help it and I promised them that I wouldn't touch the other decorations until Monday...that's gonna be a beautiful day...if it ever gets here!

So, who is excited for SMALLVILLE tonight!??!! *raises her hand really high* Yeah, except for we have our roommate date tonight to the world of dance concert so we'll have to tape it. The only problem is, is I was playing around with the VCR last night to see if there was a way to do the timer on it and I pushed something bad and now this horrible low pitched moaning sound comes up whenever we try to record stuff. It's actually really funny but not funny enough for me to be 100% okay with the fact that I may have to watch the first episode of Smallville with horrible sound. However, me, Jen and Emily took it as an encouragement to practice our harmonizing while humming talents. I must say, we are good. probably even the next MoTab, well without guys anyway.

Okay, referring back to the last post about the roommates owing up...yeah, so we're up to ice cream now which is AWESOME, but here's my M&M story...the first time us roommates got M&Ms, Emily and I decided that we were going to practice sitting at opposite ends of the dinner table and throwing M&Ms into each other's mouths. Well, you can imagine that after getting 3 sets of M&Ms (with at least 2 bags each set), we got pretty darn good at it. We started with the regular M&Ms since they are smaller, but now we're up to the peanut and peanut butter kind and we still got it! The best is when we throw them at the same time and still catch them. I think we're actually better at that than doing it separately. Anyway, so two days ago when we were practicing, Emily threw one at me and it hit my hurt. Yesterday, we decided to practice again and I returned the favor. BWAHAHAHA, but the best part is, we decided to get Jen involved and when we threw it at her, it hit her lip just right so that it got sandwiched between her lip and her tooth and it cut her lip and it looked like it was bleeding for a little bit! hahahaha...this is a very dangerous game. Do not try this at home.

So, weird story time...although, I must warn the readers...this next paragraph will entail me talking about "being a girl" if you catch my drift, so enter at your own risk. So, ya know how I've been taking birth control for my Menopause symptoms? BLEH...anyway, so my body has finally gotten used to it I think, and this weeks is the week for the sugar pills and you know what that means...CRAMPS, PMS, the whole bit. Anyway, the strangest thing is, with these pills, my cramps are TERRIBLE. At least worse than I've ever had before and yet, for some reason, I'm in the BEST mood. My roommates even noticed it. I feel like crap and yet I'm sitting at my desk doing homework and I'm happy about it for some reason. I was even singing in the shower yesterday and that's saying something. I usually love to sing in the shower, but well, when I have to get up as early as I do, singing doesn't usually happen because I'm just not awake enough to think straight! So yeah, strangely enough, I'm kinda sad for this week to be over because then I'll be back on my pills and my mood will go back to the somber, tired me. Well, hopefully not, but it's defintiely a possibility. Although that also means no more hot flashes...I just don't know which is better! I'm kinda hoping that the tired, somber mood the last three weeks was due to a lot of crap that went on and all the stress it put me under, but we'll see. I realize now that on the pills, I'm a lot more emotional than normal. out world, here I come!

Anyway, I should probably get back to work so I'll catch y'all on the flip side!! XOXO


Amy Pennington said...

wow that is long....

Kiera said...

I think the week of Thanksgiving is always long, cause I am dying to put Christmas stuff up!! That is funny that you do that with halloween! I am glad that you are in a happy mood! That always makes it a good day!

Meredith said...

Oh Bandaid, you are such a talker, you're the same as me! My blog has the longest entries so I'm glad yours does too! Happy singing! :) I love you! Did you get to watch Smallville?