Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Good Start

So, I'm back in Provo now and trying to get back on my feet. I've applied to a few places for jobs so I'm just waiting to see if I'll get any interviews in the near future. I'm actually really excited about things now and actually kind of glad that things happened this way. In all reality, I would've been much happier if I had maybe 2 weeks at PBSI still where I could pass off my knowledge to the other girls to make sure everything gets taken care of n such. It would've made leaving a little easier on everyone else, but we do what we have to right?

My first night back was HILARIOUS. I was completely out of it...I'm blaming it on the flight. For starters, the flight seemed so much longer than normal. I don't know if it was because I didn't really sleep like I usually do on flights or what, but it took forever and I think it threw off my...everything. :) Once I got home, I went over to Joyce's to say hello and she came back with me to chat it up while I unpacked. While we were over there, Ashley came over to give me something and we all stood around talking for a bit. During the said talking, my neck had this random spaz attack and it made me bang my head against the wall. haha. It hurt. They both kinda looked at me like, why the heck are you banging your head against the wall? hahah it was so funny. Later, I decided that I wanted to make some muffins cuz I was hungry and as I'm trying to put them into the oven, I just randomly dropped the pan. There was batter EVERYWHERE. All I could do was sit there and stare in amazement at what I'd done. haha. Take a gander at this would ya? Yeah, awesome, right? :)
But it doesn't stop there. Oh no...Joyce had Emily's fish over the holidays, so I went over to retrieve him, right? Her and Irene were like seriously...we know what kind of night you've had. Do you want us to take the fish and walk back with you? We don't want you to drop him. lol (ew...can you imagine? That would suck). I continually assured them that I would be fine and didn't need their assistance. About two steps later, they hear me start laughing and come out to find out what happened. For some reason, I was walking funny and it made the water splash everywhere. And this wasn't just any was Denzel's poop infested water...all down my front. It was really nice. Quite funny for sure, but still kinda sick. haha. So, naturally, we laughed for a good 10 minutes and it was at that point that I decided putting sheets on my bed was not a good idea and I would wait for tomorrow. Making your bed on the top bunk is hard enough on a good day...I didn't know what kind of tragedy would happen if I tried. Good times for sure though. It was definitely good to see everyone again. I've had so much fun the last couple of days, getting to hang with my FHE brothers and my other Provo friends! I got to see Isaac yesterday too before he heads back to VA to go to school, so that was fun. Although, the snow here is crazy...brrrrr!!!! I miss the 80 degree weather that I left in Texas. *sighs*

I picked up Emily from the airport last night! I'm so glad she's back. I missed her so bad over the break. Its been like we never left though! So wonderful! Well my friends...I'm really tired for some reason so I'm not feeling very bloggy at the moment :) I'll catch y'all lata! XOXO


Jen said...

Hahaha, the poop water sounds like the worst.

Adrienne said...

You just miss your Halla. :) We miss you too! Come back soon!