Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Auntie Awards of 2011!

Even though I've taken a large hiatus of blogging, I had to return for the annual Auntie Awards celebration. Gotta keep the tradition going, you know? For a quick refresher, please refer back to the 2010 Auntie awards. Congrats to everyone that won last year. I know that there are still a few days left in 2011, so if something crazy happens between now and Sunday, rest assured they will be considered for next year's Auntie Awards. Or maybe I'll create a new rule for additional winners. Who knows? You never can tell! Although, I'm not really anticipating anything happening within the next few days to change any of these :) But, enough of that! I know you're not reading to hear me ramble, so without further ado, here's to 2011!

Best Music Artist: I have recently fall
en in love with Keith Urban. I know he's been around for a while, but I haven't really appreciated him for what he's worth until probably about 6 months ago. How did this happen you ask? I was house/dog sitting for my parents one week and my mom said that I could use her car. Well, I forgot to bring CDs to play in the car so I rummaged through what she had and what did I find? Good ole Keith. I popped it in and was hooked! Sing it, Mr. Urban. Sing it good!

Most Listened to Song: This one is hard again this year. But, after about 5 seconds of grueling contemplation, I have made my decision *drum roll please* Defying Gravity from the Wicked Soundtrack. I made the mistake once of youtubing Wicked karaoke. Yeah...you know I took full advantage of that! That soundtrack has to be one of the most fun CDs to sing to in the car, shower, around the house, wherever. Ask Amy. She'll tell you that I'm constantly singing songs from it wherever I go. haha. That just so happens to be one of my favorites to sing though. Followed very closely by "For Good" and "The Wizard and I." I can't wait for Wicked in February. Bring it on, Austin! :) So excited!

Best Movie Released in 2011: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. No shocker there, considering that Part 1 won last year :) I admit, I cried... a lot. But, can you blame me? My favorite HP character dies in this movie! And not to mention that Hermione and Ron FINALLY got together. It's about blasted time! I've been waiting for that since book 6. But sadly, its all over now. I'm going to have to start getting more creative with what I get Ben for Christmas now. I've made it through all of the books and movies...I guess next year will be a surprise. But seriously, this movie was fabulous. Easily the best HP movie of all 8 of them. Don't worry though, number 4 will always hold a special place in my heart since it was my favorite book before 6 or 7 came out. I also can't wait for my trip to HP world. I'm hopefully going to do that in 2012. I guess we'll see! :) *Keeping my fingers crossed*

Best New(er) TV Show: I honestly haven't watched a lot of TV lately, but I'm giving this one to Modern Family. Not a new TV show but new to me this year. It is pretty dang funny. I love Phil...so hilarious! I wonder what a TV show about my family would be like...probably comedy, lets be honest. We're a mess but in such a good way! haha There's always some kind of crazy shenanigans going on. Can't be beat! Love you guys!!!

Biggest Waste of Time: Can this go to watching the Mavs play basketball on Christmas day? hahaha jk, jk. You guys know I love you more than I love hoodies (which is a lot), but seriously? Yikes. I know we're still learning to play as a team considering that we only have about 6 of the original members of the team from last year, but still. Wow. I know what you are thinking. Dude, we only lost by 11 points? (please don't reference the game yesterday against the Nuggets...much worse). Do you want to know why we only lost by 11 when we played the Heat? They don't show up for the last quarter of the game...ever. We know this. But it would have been nice to destroy them again. Just sayin'! Either way, Dirk, I'll always love you. I have for so many years now. Something like that just doesn't go away with a really poorly played game. I've got your back, no matter what! :)

Best Place Traveled to: Well, I didn't travel anywhere new this year (lame, I know) but I did get to go back to Lake Havasu earlier this year. It was so fun to be there with Ash-face and her family. We had a great week even though Ashley was pulling for the Heat in the playoffs. *shakes her head at you* I still love you, don't worry :) I'm so glad I was able to come out for that week! Lot's of great memories. And not to mention coming up for Conference later on! We got to sing outside of the conference center by all of the protestors. That has my name written all over it! Such a fun weekend! I got to see Kami a few times too which you can't beat. I have some of the greatest friends!

Best Video on YouTube: Holy DOUBLE RAINBOW! hahahaha Oh my word. Halla showed this to JaeLyn and me on Christmas Eve. So hilarious! WHAT DOES IT MEAN?! We were laughing about this for a good while. Hats off to you, my friend. I'm glad you can find joy in something like a double rainbow. I hope I can get that excited about a naturally occurring phenomenon someday :)

Best Thing I’ve Done: Well, this could be kind of strange, but I would have to go with dating Jason. Weird, for sure, but honestly, even though I'm still struggling with it more than I would like, I learned so much from that relationship that I don't think I would have been able to learn otherwise. And I continue to learn too, even though its over, which is good. I know this is one of those blessings in my life that I don't quite see as a blessing just yet, but will later on. My relationship with my Savior has grown even more and I've been able to understand the healing power of the Atonement just a little bit better than I had before. I've also had a couple of related experiences recently that have really born witness to me that Heavenly Father does know me. He knows exactly what I need to hear to make the sting a little bit lesser and the experience just a little bit easier to bear. It's amazing to me how much the Lord plays an active role in our lives and how He allows certain things to happen to some people in order to help someone else in the future. I know none of that probably makes any sense to anyone except a few of you, but just know that I am grateful for my Father in Heaven who loves me and that while I still don't understand everything about why it had to end, I know that He knows and eventually, things will be better and I can look back at this experience with a joyful and thankful heart. Here's hoping that that day is sooner rather than later :) I'm so blessed to have had the opportunity to date someone of Jason's caliber. He's a fantastic man and he will go far with everything he does and I couldn't be more grateful to him for the time we shared together. I hope that someday, I can find someone as amazing as he is. It was definitely a fantastic experience and makes me excited for what the future holds for me.

Coolest Thing I got to see: I was able to witness one of the best moments in NBA history...the Mavs winning the PLAYOFFS. Booyeah, suckers! :) Not that I had anything to do with their big win, but I'm considering it a victory of mine. 2005 playoffs hurt pretty bad, so I was extra excited about this one. We're Rowdy, Loud and Proud! I puffy heart love y'all! (Please see the previous award they won for referencing). Look at how good they look. Yeah...that's right! *teethy grin* Not to mention that Sandy took me to a regular season game earlier this year and our seats were like row 11 or something awesome like that. I may have melted from joy. Great times!

Greatest Loss: This one is easy...Reggie. I miss you! Most of you know by now, I traded good ole Reg in for my new Honda CRV. 2012 baby! I do LOVE my new car, but I admit, I cried when they drove the Reg-meister away. When I went back to pick up my new car, they told me that they had already sold my old car to someone else (not even a week later). I just looked at them in surprise and said, "Really?" Please tell me you fixed the door paneling that was being held up with push pins? haha true story. I was convinced that they gave me the trade in money based off of character and not parts. :) I still need to name my new car though. I think I've decided that it's a boy, but I can't find a name that really suits him yet. I was thinking of something like Rhett (for Rhett Butler of course) because he's so snazzy and fabulous, but that doesn't really work. I am accepting ideas so please let me know if you have any recommendations. But Reggie, please know that you will never be replaced in my heart. We had some fantastic memories! I was talking to Laura the other night and we were laughing about the blood on the passenger side seat belt from her nose haha Great memories! That car was LOVED. XOXO

Best thing crossed off my bucket list: This was a good year...I got to cross off two things but the winner this year is number 59: Be in a flash mob. (the other was save up to buy a brand new car. CHECK!) Seriously though, the Zumba flash mob was so much fun! I love Zumba so much! It has been such a great outlet! Ever since my surgery I haven't been able to dance or teach really and now that I'm back on my feet again (literally!) I couldn't make everything mesh to teach or to find classes to take again. Zumba definitely isn't challenging as far as technique and such like dancing is, but it is definitely hard if you know how to push yourself and it's so much fun. Love, love, love it! We did a Zumba flash mob in the middle of Southlake Town Square at the beginning of this month and it was actually a lot of fun. Dan and Audi came so that was fun (a little embarrassing but whatever haha). We also did a Zumba demo in the North East Mall on Christmas Eve. Good thing Josh was shopping there that day too! hhaha man...great timing y'all. And by great, I don't mean it : ) Either way, it was so much fun! Thanks Eliana for being such a great instructor and for pushing me during class to be stronger! Booyeah! (speaking of which, I have class in 45 minutes...I should get movin!)

Greatest discovery: New York and Company. Holy crap, this store is nothing but trouble for me. I love it so much! They email me 50% of entire purchase coupons...you can't beat that! Let's just say that I've done my fair share of damage in that store and I don't feel the least bit guilty about it. Turns out my friend Carolyn loves the store too...looks like we're going to do some damage together this week :) Boo freaking yeah! Brace yourself NY&C. Here we come!

Best Production Seen: Amy, Katie and I actually had season tickets to Dallas Summer Musicals this year and I must say that I was quite disappointed. I really enjoyed Guys and Dolls though. That was probably my favorite of the year. I'd never seen that one before and I had always heard how much everyone loved it. Next year will be fabulous. PETER PAN BABY! I'm still hoping to convince my Grammy to come with my sister and me to see it. So many funny memories. For those who don't know, my Grammy had the Broadway Peter Pan taped on a VHS and as a kid, whenever we'd go visit her, I would sit and watch it over and over again because I loved it so much. Which, by default, made everyone else hate it! I can still sing all of the songs and I still get pee-my-pants excited when I talk about getting to see it in July :) My sister is so good to go with me. I know the memories will all come screaming back to her. haha. Can't wait! "If growing up means it would be beneath my dignity to climb a tree, I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow UP! Not me!" *jumps for joy*

Best Purchase: Well, I'm not giving another award to my new car because I don't want to, so I'm going to go with Just Dance 3 for the wii. Absolutely fabulous. It may be my favorite video game as of right now. I wouldn't go so far as to say of all time because, hello...Mario All Stars and Mario Kart on Super Nintendo? Yeah, you can't beat those. But seriously, Estrella and I play quite often and I love it so much. It's so ridiculously fun! Mostly because it is, in fact, ridiculous, but that's usually a good indicator that I'll love it. :) I highly encourage all to try it. We were looking through the songs you can purchase and there is one where they do the Carleton. I can't wait to let Puden try his luck at that one. He'll probably high score it on his first try. Blow them out of the water, brother! So fabulous. If you ever have the urge to play, please call me. Even at 3 in the morning. Okay, maybe not, but most other times, I would be more than happy to drop what I'm doing to play :) I just wont sacrifice sleep. Sorry...that's a little important to me. and we know I tend to get grouchy when I'm tired :)

Best Discovery: Texas State Fairs. I'd been before but I didn't really experience the State Fair as it should have been experienced until now. How can you not love crazy rides, greasy foods and friends? Yeah, awesome! The best part is that they have pig races there too. We were going to try to milk a cow, but we missed it. Probably due to the fact that I was indulging in fried bacon or oreos or something fabulous like that. Either way, pig races just aren't the same without you Grammy. Way too many good memories!

Best part of 2011: BABY TYSON CAME! :) Oh my word I love this kid so much. There’s nothing like some good Syd, Malla and Tyson time. He has the cutest smile and stole my heart from day one! The girls and I had a lot of fun with a sleep over the night before and then spending the day together at the hospital and swimming and all kinds of stuff. Good times with the nieces. Man, I love all of them so much! A couple of weeks ago, I went over there to spend some time with them and I walk in and Malla is laying on the couch with a blanket and a movie already in and she just looks at me and says, “Auntie…I’m ready! The big person goes in the back and then I’ll snuggle in once you are ready, okay?” hahah so cute! I don’t know what I ever did without them!

Looking forward to the most in 2012: I'm planning to go visit Laura and Alex in Chicago for St. Patrick's Day. I've always wanted to see the river dyed green for the occasion so I figure that there isn't going to be a better time to do it than now! I can't wait. We've already chatted about tentative plans and such so it should be fun. Now I just have to save up the money to do it :) So excited, LP!

2011 has been good but I couldn't be more excited for 2012 and what is in store. Should be pretty fabulous! Make it a great year or not, the choice is yours :) XOXO